When Breakup Turns to Breakdown
Dr. Eris, I’ve been watching you on LA Shrinks and saw you on Nancy Grace talking about the Jodi Arias Trial. Both of these shows have been bringing up a lot of emotions for me. I’ve been in an on again off again relationship with my boyfriend for three years. The...

Is Your Spouse Pulling Away?
Even though many relationships end up in break-ups or divorce, that doesn’t mean that yours has to. There are many relationships that last 30, 40, and even 50+ years. I have worked with many clients who were separated or on the brink of getting divorced who succeeded...

My Boyfriend & I Aren’t Having Sex
Dr. Eris, My boyfriend and I are 23 and 25 and have been together for over two years with some bumps in the road. The main problem we're (I'm) having is that he never wants to have sex. I never used to care too much about sex until I got with him and I want it even...

Why Can’t I Let Go Of My Dad Cheating On My Mom?
Dr. Eris, Why can't I let go of my dad cheating on my mom after so many years? Am I making excuses for my past bad behavior? I'm smart about why my relationships don't work???? Sometimes I am lazy about not wanting to do the work it takes to hold the relationship...

No Sex No Baby
Dr. Eris is frank about her and her husband's desire to have a baby before it might be too late. Read more
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